How to Check Short Circuit & Repair it on All Phone Board PCB

In this blog post, we tried understanding How to Check Short Circuit & Repair it on All Phone Board with Multimeter. All Phone Board PCB Short finding method is the same. You can use Digital and Analog Multimeter both to find the shortage in the Android mobile circuit board.

digital vs analog electric meters
Multimeter uses and functions

Remember DC Power supply can’t detect very small shorts on the motherboard, which causes some faults on the mobile phone board. To find where or which part of the smartphone is really short is best to use a Multimeter. Now finally!

Phone Board PCB Short Circuit Check with Multimeter

Step one: Set the multimeter on the CONTINUITY buzzer. If you have an analog multimeter you can set it to x1 ohms.

how to check shorting in pcb
Phone board PCB

Step two: Connect the Red probe to Circuit’s battery connector plus and the Black probe to the minus meter shows no reading.

how to find a short circuit with a multimeter
Smartphone PCB

Step three: now check the opposite Connect the Red probe to the battery connector minus and the Black probe to plus multimeter shows some reading.

mobile motherboard short circuit repair
Mobile phone PCB

Usually, a Digital Multimeter Shows 300 to 600
Note: IF the multimeter shows reading on Both sides of the battery connector of the phone board PCB it means the circuit has a Shortage.

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phone Shorting repair solution 2020
Download pdf here

You can download this blog post in deep knowledge on phone-board Shorting, Half Shorting, and Full Shorting repair solutions in a pdf ebook on how to check repair shorting in PCB pdf

Before I tell you how to remove and repair the phone board PCB let me tell you first!

What is Shorting in Phone board PCB?

As you know phone board PCB is made up of several copper wires layers. This leads to different external and internal tracks in phone board PCB, there is the print instead of copper wires through which dc current flows. Hence I use the term prints instead of copper wires.
Due to water damage in the phone board PCB, these tracks get overheated and joined together which is called short track or shortage. If these parallel separate positive and negative Prints touch each other on the phone board PCB the Cell Phone PCB shows short circuit reading on the multimeter some times mobile phone falls to the ground, and these tracks are opened, which are called open tracks.
If a mobile phone print is broken then it is said that the Print is open In mobile phones, and smartphones the most common cause of a short circuit is water damage. Water droplets create a less resistive path between the tracks and the DC current never reaches its destination on the phone board PCB. That’s why short circuit mobile phones do the following Problems.

  1. When you switch ON the smartphone, it goes to switch OFF automatically after a few minutes..
  2. The phone goes completely dead.
  3. The phone goes hot and the get Hang.
  4. The Phone battery goes drains and discharges fast. if phone Half Shorting.

Now you have a question!

What is Half Shorting in Phone board PCB?

In Half Shorting fault on the phone board PCB, the Cell Phone PCB starts taking more amperes from the battery that’s why the battery gets start to swell and run less on the phone. Sometimes the mobile phone gets dead due to half shorting.  This means that there is some dry solder on the PCB of the Phone or some small Component on a Cell Phone PCB is Faulty and Needs to be checked, removed, and replace with a new one with the help of a multimeter.

In many cases of half-shorting mobile phones, I found shorting on SMD Capacitors near the power IC and diode, and resistance near the battery connector. I repaired lots of mobile phones in half a shorting fault by removing their charging jack and charging IC.

I hope now you understand what is mobile phone shorting and half shorting now it’s time to talk to you!

What is Full Shorting in Phone board PCB?

Full Shorting of a phone board PCB is the Condition when a Phone won’t get Switch ON either you try with a new LCD panel in the smartphone or connect it with a dc power supply.

It shows 0 reading on the DC power supply. This means the Cell Phone PCB is Dead.


what is a short circuit
open circuit fault

commonly rear cases that I face in my mobile repairing career one or more Major Electronic Component and ICs get dead in Full Shorting fault.

Full shorting can come from any SMD component of a phone board PCB. Such as:

  1. Polar Capacitor
  2. Nonpolar capacitor
  3. Power IC
  4. Charging IC
  5. PFO IC
  6. CPU IC etc

The Cell Phone PCB needs to be checked thoroughly to Fix the Problem in any feature and smartphones.

Now you have a deep understanding of shortage, half shorting, and full shorting let’s move on to this blog post’s main topic on how to check and repair shorting in phone board PCB.

How to Repair Half Shorting

half short mobile repair
What is half shorting in mobile phone

Keep the Digital Multimeter in BUZZER Mode. Again in this testing method place the multimeter Probes on mobile PCB Battery Connector! Red Probe on Positive and Black Probe on Negative If the reading Value on the Multimeter is 1 then the Cell Phone PCB is OK and If the reading Value is 237 then Check the Battery Connector in Reverse Red Probe on Negative and Black Probe on Positive. If in Reverse Checking Value is 237 then there is Half Shorting.

Note: The point I want to clear to you is If the value is the same in both forward and reverse checking then there is Half Shorting in the phone board PCB.

Now you have a question!

Is it Possible to Repair Half Shorting in Phone board Pcb?

Answer: Yes is it possible to repair phone Half Shorting PCB!

  1. Disassemble your Android phone and get out the shorting phone PCB from the phone casing.
  2. Clean the entire PCB thoroughly with any circuit cleaner like CTC, Philips contact cleaner spray, alcohol, or petrol.

    phone board pcb
    Smartphone keyboard
  3. Now dry it completely. You can use a table lamp with a hundred watt bulb or a workstation to dry it.

    how to repair short circuit phone
    Cell phone keyboard
  4. Assemble Back the Phone and switch it on to see if half shorting remove or Not!
how to test a ceramic capacitor
Testing capacitors in circuit

In Most Cases, the Problem gets solved. But if there is still Half Shorting then Check for small nonpolar capacitors near the Battery Connector and power IC. Then remove the faulty one.

how to repair dead android phone
Mobile phone board

How to Repair Full Shorting in phone board PCB

In full shorting testing, keep the Digital Multimeter on BUZZER Mode and take the phone board both sides readings.
If there is BEEP Sound in both Forward and Reverse testing then there is Full Shorting on the phone board.
In the case of Full Shorting, you have to clean the phone board deeper
Smartphone repair technicians in Eastern European countries use it.

  1. Dip the phone Board in Elma for 1 to 2 hours then clean it with the help of a toothbrush or Anti Static ESD Brush.
  2. Then dry the phone board completely with the help of cotton or an ultrasonic cleaning machine.
  3. Then check the Phone board again with the multimeter to see if it is full shorting or Not.
  4. Now connect the phone to the DC power supply or phone battery and try to switch ON the smartphone. It won’t switch on but wait for a few seconds.
  5. Now it’s time for you to find the Faulty Components on the phone board. The Faulty Components will get heated automatically. You can feel the Heat of the Faulty Component with your fingers. This component or IC needs to be replaced.
what causes a short circuit answers
Android mobile circuit board

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Visual Guide Inside of Smartphones

HI, I’m Sarah, in this gifs tutorial we are going to find out about Smartphones, we’re taking a part of the smartphone to learn what’s inside of it and how that stuff actually works with our Administrating Director Muhammad Asif Azeemi. Muhammad Asif Azeemi works on the Mobilerepairingonline team and his job is helping mobile technician repairing smartphones and tablets but today in his spare time, he teaches us about the phone hardware.

Visual Guide inside of Smartphones
All Smartphone repair technicians need to know

hi, I’m Muhammad Asif Azeemi today in our shop we have Nexus 5.
Students of mobile phone and smartphone repairing course in my class asking the question: when you open up any smartphone are they look basically the same inside?

Smartphones Spare Parts

The answer is yes! These spare parts are the same in all smartphones as well as tablets be it by any handset manufacturer like Samsung, Apple, Motorola,  Oppo, Huawei, Xiaomi, OnePlus, Vivo, Google, HTC, Microsoft, Nokia, Blackberry, LG, Sony, etc. The difference may be that only the shape and size of the internal parts may be different. Also, the location of the internal parts in every model may differ. But the function of the parts, components, and IC integrated Circuits in all the handsets will be the same.

same internal parts of smartphone
these parts are the same
  • display cameras
  • microphones
  • casing
  • battery
  • SIM card slot
  • speakers

learn to recognize these same spare parts in all smartphones.

Smartphones Motherboards

ICs and components smartphone motherboard
PCB printed circuit board

A smartphone motherboard which is also called a PCB printed circuit board the main component of a smartphone and have a lot of different stuff on it.
in some smartphones, we have daughter boards which are an extension of the motherboard and can be all different shapes and sizes.

small daughterboards

How to Recognize Smartphones ICs

to recognize every useful ICs and components you would see on the smartphone PCB it looks like there are little areas on the board. you can imagine this is operated there are five like super Bo. imagine you are looking out from a plane window and seeing little separate areas they are actual neighborhoods. this is the best method of remembering board into a section.

separate neighborhoods areas
smartphone PCB neighborhoods

you can see almost every smartphone PCB both sides have different neighborhoods.

all integrated circuits components
packed close together

you can describe it like a project ara that has all the different components that you just slot into your phone it’s like making one of those little neighborhoods independent. all those integrated circuits actually make it pretty tricky and interesting to design phones because you can’t have them interfering with each other and they’re all packed in they’re super close together.

identify ICs on smartphone PCB
tear down

as we know smartphone motherboard consists of different ICS or integrated circuit. now let those ICS lists down one by one:

  • RAM
  • power management IC
  • risk microcontroller
  • audio codec
  • power amplifier for LTE connection
  • Qualcomm LTE transceiver
  • EMMC flash storage
  • Qualcomm quick charge IC
  • Wi-Fi and MIMO SOC
  • envelope tracking IC
  • GSM power amplifier
  • NFC chip

that’s all when it comes to opening up a smartphone
obviously, the methods will differ depending on what brand phone model you have but in this tutorial was meant to be something of a starting point for the thing you can expect to find inside smartphones along with the common issues they can cause but that was basically

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Common Mobile Phone Problems and Solutions

Smartphones are not always perfect, we are facing your phones with different problems in our mobile repair shop. Sometimes phones may be faulty and we understand that this can be a very stressful situation for you. That is why we decided to make a top 22 of the most common Android phone problems and solutions, so you can solve them without losing your money and time.  Read this blog post to know the mobile problem list and problems of mobile phones that you can solve by yourself.

First, we discuss the mobile problem list that Android phones making today.common mobile phone problems and solutions Common iPhone problems and solutions

Android Phone Problems and Solutions

  • Poor Battery Life
  • Your Android Phone is Running Slowly
  • Storage Space issue
  • Unsent Messages
  • Overheating
  • MicroSD Card Not Working On Your Android Phone
  • Connecting problems with Bluetooth, wifi, and cellular network
  • Google Play Store Does Not Download Apps
  • Google Play Store Crashes
  • Apps not downloading
  • Cracked Screen or Immersion in Water
  • Charging Problem Solution for Smartphones

Poor Battery Life

Unfortunately, nowadays every customer complaining about this problem. The said battery draining, slow charging, or charging failure issue is on their phone. This serious problem is when your phone is discharging you are not using it. The first aid solution is to Find out particular apps that are draining your phone battery, you can check this in Settings->battery, and our suggestion is to remove those apps. then Enable the battery saving mode, turn off the locations when you are not using, and dim your phone brightness.

Your Android Phone is Running Slowly

The reason your phone is running at a slow speed is the installation of unnecessary apps that use your smartphone’s RAM and save numerous numbers of files on your phone. Wipe out all those apps and clean up your phone cache data.

Storage Space Issue

You can take care of this issue when you are buying a new smartphone because, after a couple of days, you are facing your phone problems storage is filled with your photos and videos. the device shows you the low storage message. remember nowadays Very few upcoming smartphones have an expandable memory feature. try to Transfer the photos on clouds to free up space on your phone.

Unsent Messages

Make sure you’re connected to a WiFi network or your mobile network is working properly. Then press on the message not sent and choose the option to resend. if the issue is not solved try to restart your phone and download the Messenger app.


Do not use high-sucking apps from the CPU and give your phone a break. If your phone is still heating, this is the fault of the company manufacturer. and remember not to use your phone while on the charge.

Micro SD Card Not Working On Your Android Phone

It is caused when you buy a cheap SD card that has read/write errors. that is why Your phone problems not recognizing the SD card after you format it on your phone. when you format an SD card on your phone after formatting Your phone problems not recognizing the SD card. always format the memory card on exFAT. you can Restart your phone in recovery mode and format it on the wipe cache option. Android phone has a recovery mode where you can select wipe cache. This will clear the SD card and format it to FAT32 which is best suited for phone storage.

Connecting Problems with Wi-Fi, Cellular Networks, Bluetooth

It is caused by WiFi, Cellular Network, and Bluetooth setting most of the time on your phone but first, switch your phone to airplane mode for 60 to 1 minute then switch back to normal mode and check for the problem to solve. if it still has the same problem check your phone settings.

Google Play Store Does Not Download Apps

first, try to clean the Google Play cache on your phone. Go to the Settings option and then Apps and Open Google Play Store select Clean Cache then Restart your phone. and check for the problem to solve.
The second way to resolve this issue is to clean up the history of the Google Play Store. Open Google Play Store Settings and Choose Clean History.

Google Play Store Crashes

We understand how upset you’re trying to find an app and Google Play crashes all the time. Most of the time Google Play Store Crashes when your phone cache files corrupt. go to Settings and open Apps then Open Google Play Store and select Clean Cache and Data. then restart your phone. This should solve the issue of crashing

Apps Not Downloading

Make sure you use Google Play Store’s latest version on your Android phone. A corrupt cache is the main cause of this issue. to solve this problem you can delete the history of Google Play Store and restart your phone. then try Downloading your Apps.

 Phone Immersion in Water or Cracked Screen

This problem accidentally happens and you can not do anything to solve this on your own at that time. To prevent incidents of this kind you can use the best phone protector available in the mobile market.
This may be costly, but avoiding these accidents is a worthwhile investment

Charging Problem Solution for Smartphones

Be sure that you are charging using the correct wall phone adapter or original charger. Also, make sure that the phone adapter or the charging cable is not longer than three feet (or two meters). There is too much DC voltage drop for the Smartphones to charge the battery properly on most longer cables. Some Smartphone’s batteries also will not properly charge when plugged into a PC, laptop, or Mac, not enough dc voltage over the normal USB connection.

Most of what we see or repair in our shop is hardware failures, and this is a common one called ‘fake phone charging’ that can happen after smartphone water damage or drop damage, fallen damages in phones which cause a hardware fault on the phone printed circuit board. I had a Samsung Galaxy S3 mini lately that had a similar charging problem, charging okay but the battery percentage never went up after charging in Samsung Galaxy mobile this fault was caused by a tiny resistor near the battery connector had rubbed off.

Now we discuss the problem of mobile phones and common iphone problems that the Apple iphone is making nowadays.

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Common iphone Problems Solutions

  • The iphone Screen Is Not Bright
  • Control Center Button Does Not Respond at Apple Toolbox
  • Apple iPhone Overheating
  • iPhone not connecting to WiFi
  • Unable To Connect To The IOS App Store

The iPhone Screen Is Not Bright

Some percentage of iphone users in the world noticed screen looks dark despite the brightness of their phones. to solve this problem follow these steps:

  • Step one: go to General Settings
  • Step two: then go to Accessibility
  • Step three: click on Screen Adaptations now you can see the option to reduce colors. You can adjust the intensity until you think it’s good for you

Control Center Button Does Not Respond at Apple Toolbox

Some percentage of iphone users in the world report Apple Toolbox issues with the Home button or Control Center button. They say the button keeps freezing and doesn’t respond. The solution to this problem is to go to Settings and then go to the Control Center to customize and delete a particular app that does not work in the section included. After that, you must restart your Apple device, and once it is turned ON again. You can again customize the controls and add the removed app before

Apple iPhone Overheating

Many iphone customers are complaining that their phones are turning very warm. They also affirm that they feel their phones are swelling and opening up on their own. To solve this iPhone problem If you use a specific app and overheat your iphone, let it rest for a while. By going to Settings and Privacy, you can disable the location service. We suggest that you do this because GPS, Bluetooth, and mobile locations are used by the phone location to determine where you are. For your iphone, this could mean a lot of activity. If you charge and overheat your iPhone, unplug it for a few minutes until it cools down. You can then plug it back again. It also works to remove the case of your iphone. It will help stop the plug from keeping the heat and it won’t block the phone’s heat output.

Your iPhone Not Connecting to WiFi

Through the Apple forum iphone, users express that they lose the WiFi connection and can not connect to their local network. Before seeking to assess your iPhone’s technical mistake, make sure the router is near to you. You also need to make sure you can see your WiFi network to make sure it’s connected to the relevant network. To solve this problem You can also try restarting your device or router by unplugging and replugging it. If it doesn’t respond yet, you can go to Configurations to restore your network. It will restore your iphone Wi-Fi network and password with the VPN and APN.

Unable To Connect To The IOS App Store

In response to some phone problems encountered when downloading apps from the iso App Store, some Apple users have also had problems going on the iso App Store with their iphone. They receive messages of an error stating their devices cannot currently connect to the iso App Store The ideal solution is to set your device date and time. Disable the setting option automatically, set the date and time manually instead. Go to the iso App Store then let it open for at least 5 seconds. Automatically reactivate the date and time, then close the App Store and reopen it.

We’re sure there are a lot more smartphone problems, Whether they’re Android devices or part of iOS technology, no matter. But we’ve just discussed the most common phone problems this time, and we hope these possible solutions will work for you. If you have encountered some of these issues and how you have solved them, please share them with us!

At the end of this blog post, some useful resources related to Android devices and iOS technology problem solution

Samsung s6 problems solutions we list down all users complaining bugs. You can download or read it here! The bug fix updates were issued today

How to unlock an Apple iPod when it’s linked with an Apple account?

I bought an Apple iPod second-hand. I’m not sure what is wrong with it. I restored it to factory settings and now when I try to activate the iPod, it keeps asking me for the previous owner’s Apple ID and I don’t have his number anymore. What should I do? Is my iPod pretty much bricked forever?

Apple ID unlock on iPod Problem Solution

Please try to activate the Apple iPod. If the iPod shows this device is linked with ( then it can be removed easily by the shopkeeper where you buy this. if shows this device has been lost or stolen they cannot do anything.

Normal Process: The requirement is the POP(Invoice of the iPod). If you have the bill for this device from the shopkeep where you buy this.

Just call Apple support they will assist you better. They will remove this within 2 to 3 days. Only if the device has not been stolen or lost.

apple customer support needs only an iPod bill and tells them you are unable to activate or unlock the iPod.

For Apple iPad 2,3,4, there is a hardware solution by changing some capacitors, and resistors, and converting from cellular GSM or cellular CDMA to a wifi model also possible can also be done and vice versa which will require soldering GSM board or CDMA board to iPod wifi model. Good luck


Why can’t I connect to ANY AP WiFi access point?

I can see AP Wifi, Router, and smartphone hotspot Wi-Fi access points in range, but cannot connect to them. Open or secured makes no difference to me. What could be causing of AP Wifi access points issue?

AP Wi-Fi access points Problem Solution

Are you accessing the same wifi AP with either open or WPA2 connections? If you are your Cable wifi router may be limited on how many connections it can allow access though.
I would go to the mobile store franchise which has an open WiFi service and see if it connects that way if it does that points back to your setup as being the issue Vs the iPhone.
If you still can’t connect to the mobile store franchise’s open WiFi service I would erase the iPhone and reload everything. Good luck!

Can I use a hot plate to remove a Samsung Galaxy mobile S5 digitizer?

I’m sure most people here know that heating up a Samsung Galaxy S4 digitizer with a hairdryer and removing it that way can be quite a chore. I’m just wondering if anyone has ever used a hot plate to do remove a Samsung Galaxy mobile S5 digitizer? Is it a good idea? If so what hot plate temperature do I set it to without damaging the Samsung Galaxy mobile S5?

Hot Plate Temperature Solution for Samsung Galaxy Mobile S5, S6, and S7

Yes, set the hot plate to 65C, 5 minutes on each side leave the Samsung Galaxy mobile S5 on the hot plate while taking it off.

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With this Diagram Collection books you got the solution for:

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Samsung S6 Problems & Their Solutions

Samsung s6 problems
Samsung company problems and solutions

The Samsung Galaxy S6 has Launched in March a few years ago in 2016, the Galaxy Mobile S6 revived Samsung’s fortunes after the company was panned in the previous year for its unimaginative Mobiles. In its nearly 12 months life, there have been very few Samsung s6 problems (if any) that have troubled S6 users. Samsung company problems and solutions were very quick initially after some Galaxy S6 Mobile users started complaining about Virus & bugs. The bug fix updates were issued without any major installing delays, thereby helping the Samsung company keep its Latest Mobile users satisfied. However, some Samsung s6 problems remain. While these problems may not be major, they can become annoying if they continue to persist. In this article, we are going to take a look at some of the most commonly reported Samsung galaxy s6 problems along with the solutions.

Don’t have time to read the whole blog post right now? Get A Free PDF Copy Of This Samsung S6 Problems & their Solutions Page: Contains all users complaining bugs fix updates.

No worries Click Here so we can send you a PDF copy so you can read it when it’s convenient for you.

Samsung S6 Problems Commonly Reported

Galaxy S6 Battery life issues

Samsung Galaxy S6 Battery

One of the most common problems that plague almost every Smartphone every year is battery life. While many reviews initially posted revealed that the Galaxy S6 battery backup life was average, many Samsung S6 users to this day complain about below-average battery life on their Galaxy S6 Plus. While the fact that Samsung Company went for a smaller battery doesn’t help, there are a few things that you can do to solve this problem in your Galaxy S6.
This time, Samsung Company has opted for a non-removable battery on the Galaxy S6 mobile, so the option of using an extended other battery is not available. The first thing then for you to do would be to check if any mobile apps are misbehaving and consuming more battery than they should. Depending on the app and its category utility, you should be able to figure it out easily on your S6. If you think an app is consuming more battery on your Samsung S6, you can report the issue to the developer and find an alternative in the meantime.
Setting your GPS app to Battery Saving mode will help immensely with battery backup life. Additionally, if you don’t find Google map Now to be good enough, disabling it will also improve battery life. Other than that, you may want to try resetting your Galaxy S6 mobile or sending it back to Samsung company store near you for a replacement battery.
Samsung S6 Problems Wifi and Bluetooth issues

mobile Galaxy S6 Wifi

Connectivity issues still haunt many Samsung S6 users. Connecting to Wi-Fi or Bluetooth should be child’s play but software bugs & viruses will always exist. From Apple iPhones to the Samsung Galaxy to the HTCs, users across a broad spectrum of brands have often faced issues with Wi-Fi connectivity. Sometimes it could be their fault, sometimes the Smartphone they are connecting to.
More often than not, I recommend Samsung users forget the troubling Wi-Fi network and authenticate it again. If that does not solve those issue, you can try rebooting your Phone both the Galaxy S6 as well as the router or modem in question.
Finally, if nothing else works, check to see if there are any updates for the Samsung galaxy 6 problems and solutions or the router that you are using. Make sure you’ve updated both the devices and try again.
This should work for Bluetooth connectivity issues as well.

Samsung S6 Problems Processor Overheating issues

S6 Overheating problem
Samsung company

If you are one of those users whose Galaxy S6 mobile is plagued by the overheating issue, you may want to exercise some caution here listed below.
Try rebooting your Phone for starters. Many a time, it could be due to a Network service consuming more resources than it should. A reboot or restart should solve it.
If this doesn’t help, try to factory reset or hard reset your Samsung Galaxy S6 and set it up anew again. Contact Samsung company store near you if the issue still persists.
Samsung S6  performance problems
If you have been experiencing below par performance on your Galaxy S6 mobile, you may want to check which mobile apps have been dragging the performance slow down. After noting it down, try contacting the app developer updates to see if they can solve it.
For general system-wide performance issues, you can try rebooting or restarting your Galaxy S6. If the issue still persists, you will want to reset or hard reset the phone. This will, more often than not, solve any performance-related problems you have been facing.

in the end, some useful resource for you:

In Samsung problem solving, Samsung company is also helping. they Have tips for product, manuals & software download and Face-to-face support click here to read more

If you would like to explore more all Samsung mobile problems and solutions follow the link below. Take a personal tour of the biggest cell phone diagram repairing manuals Click Here

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How To Repair

Here you’ll find the fastest, clearest, and most expert advice for DIY Smartphone Repair Industry. learn how to repair mobile phone with SelfStudy manuals, tutorials and make money doing Smartphone Repairing

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if you want to train in Today’s Smartphones industry for Repairing smartphone and make money you have to be perfect in those three skills.

  • how to Repair Broken Glass Digitizer
  • how to Repair the Data Port
  • How To Fix Broken LCD Screen on Phone

These are the most demanding skills required nowadays in Smartphone Repair Industry around the world

How to Repair Broken Glass Digitizer

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How to Repair the Data Port

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The new user of Apple iphone dont knows how to clean iphone charging port. and charging port repair cost, where they can find reliable cell phone repair. one of my new customer said to me if I knew cleaning iphone charging port with alcohol without any risk I dont need to go to any cell phone repair shop. if an experienced person in the iphone repairing teaches me how to do it without any risk! I dont need to find iphone repair near me.

Apple Devices is a part of today’s Smartphone Repair Industry. if you get a training in iphone repairing this will give you benefits in both the Smartphone Industry and Apple Device repairing.

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How To Fix Broken LCD Screen on Phone

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They dont know what to do first with their broken LCD screen. and how to fix bleeding LCD screen, where they can find phone screen crack filler and what is the cracked phone screen repair cost. one of my customers said to me if we know mobile phone LCD screen wholesale or mobile phone LCD screens supplier we buy new LCD by our self and place it on a broken LCD phone. but we knew it we dont have experience and technique to do it without any risk. if an experienced person in the Smartphones industry for Repairing teaches us how to do it without any risk! we dont need to go to any mobile phone repair shop.


How To Repair SelfStudy Online Training Program

The phone repairing solutions SelfStudy online training program is ideal for those who enjoy working independently, cannot travel to obtain information security training, or who simply prefer to have extended study time via course books and MP3s of course lectures. This online Institute conducts online mobile phone repair training for people who are unable to attend classes at the institute. mobile phone repair course is conducted with the help of home study lessons by means of a video and a handbook. There will be online lectures in this program via video chat. All theory lessons are explained in the book,

while practical procedures are explained in the online sessions and through video tutorials.

we also have step by step tutorial training for fault Tracing on iPhone logic boards Feel Free To Contact Us on WhatsApp  03122906096

And at the end of this blog post some useful free resources to learn smartphone repairing

Do you want to know which same parts are there in all Smartphones? If yes, go through this entire Gif Video Tutorial to know all the information you need read Visual Guide Inside of Smartphones