The Samsung Galaxy S6 has Launched in March a few years ago in 2016, the Galaxy Mobile S6 revived Samsung’s fortunes after the company was panned in the previous year for its unimaginative Mobiles. In its nearly 12 months life, there have been very few Samsung s6 problems (if any) that have troubled S6 users. Samsung company problems and solutions were very quick initially after some Galaxy S6 Mobile users started complaining about Virus & bugs. The bug fix updates were issued without any major installing delays, thereby helping the Samsung company keep its Latest Mobile users satisfied. However, some Samsung s6 problems remain. While these problems may not be major, they can become annoying if they continue to persist. In this article, we are going to take a look at some of the most commonly reported Samsung galaxy s6 problems along with the solutions.
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Samsung S6 Problems Commonly Reported
Galaxy S6 Battery life issues

One of the most common problems that plague almost every Smartphone every year is battery life. While many reviews initially posted revealed that the Galaxy S6 battery backup life was average, many Samsung S6 users to this day complain about below-average battery life on their Galaxy S6 Plus. While the fact that Samsung Company went for a smaller battery doesn’t help, there are a few things that you can do to solve this problem in your Galaxy S6.
This time, Samsung Company has opted for a non-removable battery on the Galaxy S6 mobile, so the option of using an extended other battery is not available. The first thing then for you to do would be to check if any mobile apps are misbehaving and consuming more battery than they should. Depending on the app and its category utility, you should be able to figure it out easily on your S6. If you think an app is consuming more battery on your Samsung S6, you can report the issue to the developer and find an alternative in the meantime.
Setting your GPS app to Battery Saving mode will help immensely with battery backup life. Additionally, if you don’t find Google map Now to be good enough, disabling it will also improve battery life. Other than that, you may want to try resetting your Galaxy S6 mobile or sending it back to Samsung company store near you for a replacement battery.
Samsung S6 Problems Wifi and Bluetooth issues

Connectivity issues still haunt many Samsung S6 users. Connecting to Wi-Fi or Bluetooth should be child’s play but software bugs & viruses will always exist. From Apple iPhones to the Samsung Galaxy to the HTCs, users across a broad spectrum of brands have often faced issues with Wi-Fi connectivity. Sometimes it could be their fault, sometimes the Smartphone they are connecting to.
More often than not, I recommend Samsung users forget the troubling Wi-Fi network and authenticate it again. If that does not solve those issue, you can try rebooting your Phone both the Galaxy S6 as well as the router or modem in question.
Finally, if nothing else works, check to see if there are any updates for the Samsung galaxy 6 problems and solutions or the router that you are using. Make sure you’ve updated both the devices and try again.
This should work for Bluetooth connectivity issues as well.
Samsung S6 Problems Processor Overheating issues

If you are one of those users whose Galaxy S6 mobile is plagued by the overheating issue, you may want to exercise some caution here listed below.
Try rebooting your Phone for starters. Many a time, it could be due to a Network service consuming more resources than it should. A reboot or restart should solve it.
If this doesn’t help, try to factory reset or hard reset your Samsung Galaxy S6 and set it up anew again. Contact Samsung company store near you if the issue still persists.
Samsung S6 performance problems
If you have been experiencing below par performance on your Galaxy S6 mobile, you may want to check which mobile apps have been dragging the performance slow down. After noting it down, try contacting the app developer updates to see if they can solve it.
For general system-wide performance issues, you can try rebooting or restarting your Galaxy S6. If the issue still persists, you will want to reset or hard reset the phone. This will, more often than not, solve any performance-related problems you have been facing.
in the end, some useful resource for you:
In Samsung problem solving, Samsung company is also helping. they Have tips for product, manuals & software download and Face-to-face support click here to read more
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